
  1. Unpack your printer.
  2. Follow the setup instructions to remove packaging.
  3. Plug in the power cord, turn on the printer and install print cartridges. Allow the printer to go through its startup routine, including printing an alignment page (if applicable).
  4. Choose one of the connection methods described below. If your printer supports it and you choose an Ethernet (wired) connection, connect it now and skip to installing printer softwareNote: while using an Ethernet connection the printer's wireless system is disabled.
> What is Wireless ?
Answer : A wireless network is commonly formed with a device called a wireless router or access point that sends and receives signals similar to a cordless phone base station. Other wireless devices on the network, like computers and printers, are like the cordless handsets. All communication on the wireless network runs through the wireless router, allowing the connected devices to talk to each other.
This type of network is also called an "infrastructure network". If you have a wireless router, you have a wireless network.
Most wireless routers can also connect to wired devices such as computers and printers, using a special cable called an Ethernet cable. This wired connection is known as an Ethernet connection.
All devices that connect to your wireless router, whether wirelessly or through an Ethernet cable, have access to the same network. These devices can communicate with each other regardless of how they connect to the network. For example, a desktop computer connected by Ethernet can easily print to a wireless printer as long as they are connected to the same wireless router.
> What is IP Address ?
Answer : An IP address is a series of numbers by which computers, printers and other devices on a network are known. An IP address is usually issued by the local wireless router (network) from its DHCP service. A device is given an IP address that is similar to the wireless router's IP address. For example, if the wireless router's IP address is, a printer may be given an IP address of

> What is a MAC Address ?
Answer : MAC stands for Media Access Control. Every device capable of networking (computers, printers routers, etc.) is given a unique physical serial number by its manufacturer for use in network communication.

> What is the difference between an ad-hoc network and an infrastructure network ?
Answer : An ad-hoc network is a network that operates between two devices only. An infrastructure network is what is most commonly referred to as a "network", and allows many devices to communicate through one base station, for example a wireless router.


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